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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Old Madina Pictures

Picture taken by north-west of Madina. A Sun dial in Haram. 1st Saudi expension of Haram. Green dome under maintanence.

The Green Dome.  An ancient picture of Salaam (greeting) gate. General view of Medina 100 years ago. Masjeed Al Nabawe

Quba Mosque. First built Mosque in Islam.

Old Mecca Pictures

Picture taken by north-west of Madina. A Sun dial in Haram. 1st Saudi expension of Haram. Green dome under maintanence.

The Green Dome.  An ancient picture of Salaam (greeting) gate. General view of Medina 100 years ago. Masjeed Al Nabawe

Quba Mosque. First built Mosque in Islam.

The Battle of Uhud

Uhud dagi'nin Harem'den gorunumu Uhud dagi'nin Harem'den gorunumu Uhud dagi'nin Harem'den gorunumu

Uhud dagi'nin Harem'den gorunumu Uhud dagi'nin Harem'den gorunumu Uhud Dagi'nin yakin gorunumu

Uhud Dagi'nin yakin gorunumu Uhud Dagi'nin yakin gorunumu Uhud Dagi'nin yakin gorunumu Uhud Dagi'nin yakin gorunumu

Other Masjadees

Kuba mescidi _ Quba Mosque Kuba mescidi _ Quba Mosque

Kuba mescidi. (islamiyette yapilan ilk mescid) _ Quba mosque Gamame mescidi. (Turkcesi; bulut mescidi) Cuma mescidi. (Resulullah'in -sav- Medine'de ilk cuma namazini eda ettigi mescid) Hz. Ebu Bekir -ra- mescidi.

Satelite Pictures

To be able to see selected locations in Makkah & Madina from satellite. You need to download Google Earth program from here. Once you downloaded the program set it up in your computer. If everything is set, please choose -.kmz extension files from below corresponding to their explanations. You save them in your computer, run the Google Earth as;
File => Open => your choice of .kmz file. This is it, enjoy it.

Mekke'nin uydu resmi.... Cok buyuk bir resim dosyasidir, yaklasik 500 kilobyte kadar. Satelite picture of Makkah. Gigantic picture file aprox. 500 kb. be aware! Medine'nin uydu resmi.... Satelite picture of Madinah